Membership Categories
Active Members
OMA members practicing neurology or related fields of specialty in Oman.
Associate Member
Applicants for Associate Membership are physicians and/or scientists who, by reason of professional and scientific qualifications, are deemed worthy of election to the Society, but who do not meet the requirements of Active Membership.
Retired Member/Senior Fellows
Retired Members are members who were Active Members at the ONS-OMA and have retired from practice.
To qualify as a Junior Member, the applicant must be a physician enrolled in an accredited training program in neurology recognized by OMSB (Omani Board of Medical Specializations).
Electroneurodiagnostic (Neurophysiology NCS/EEG) technologists and Nurses members
Open to certified electroneurodiagnostic (Neurophysiology /EEG) technologists and Nurses practicing in Oman.
Open to students in an MD, Ph.D., and Masters in medicine or neuroscience, or in undergraduate medical program (MBBS). Proof of student status is required each year.
Corresponding Members are those who reside outside the Sultanate of Oman, interested in furthering the objectives of the society and who have attained a full-time clinical or faculty position at a recognized institution in neurology or neurosciences. Open also to individuals studying MD, Ph.D., MSc degree in neurosciences or engaged in an organized training program accredited by OMSB in neurology or neuroscience-related department outside the Sultanate.
Benefits of Membership
As a member of the Oman Neurology Society, you are entitled to:
Legal coverage
All active members are covered legally in case of any professional legal court issue and will be presented by a lawyer from OMA.
Voting Rights
Active society’s members are entitled to vote.
The ONS previous meetings and conference’s lectures are available to our members; enable to gain new perspectives and timely insights from leaders, seniors, board members & head chapters.
receiving regular update on Neurology education material, publishes papers, articles, and news.
Professional Development
Society members can take advantage of development conferences, and mentor programs designed related to ONS society.
CME hours
accredited CME hours will be provided to attendees for each scientific event
Appreciation letters
to distinguished members with recognized achievements.
Good standing
members receive discounted pricing on ONS activities and professional courses, programs, and workshops. Society members have free access to exclusive events (monthly meetings, seminars, case presentation sessions and journal club).
The ONS Society offers a many activities for professionals to meet, connect and to exchange ideas with experts in the field of neurology and related neurosciences.
- Become a member of OMA CLICK HERE
- Make a payment to OMA.
- Use the membership link, fill the form and send a proof of payment (image, receipt or email confirmation) through the link ONS or e-mail to:
- your application will be reviewed and an e-mail will be send to you with a user name and password to login into your account on our website
Membership Application Form for ONS
How to Apply
Please fill out this form and send through ONS website or email back to the ONS at :